When you are asked to fill your payment information to make a purchase, you may need MM and YY that are printed on your debit card. What is MM/YY on debit card? What do the letters MM and YY mean and how to find them?
Any online payment system needs not only your card number, but also expiration date, CVV, and sometimes it requires a ZIP code. Lets focus on these mysterious letters MM / YY.
As you may have already heard, they correspond to the expiration month and year of your debit card. It is also known as the expiration date.
What are MM and YY used for?
Expiration date defines when your debit card is supposed to be replaced. After that date, you cannot use the debit card any more. Keep in mind that expiration is not the only reason why your credit card transaction may be declined. It can be simply locked on banks website or in mobile app.
Once your debit card is about to expire, your bank may send you a debit card replacement automatically. Usually it happens a month before expiration date, or you may need to request the replacement by yourself.
Expiration date secures your payment in the same way as CVV. Without an expiration date you cannot finish online payment. When in 1990s online stores started accepting payments over the Internet, CVV and expiration date became essential for security purposes.
What do these letters mean?
On debit card MM/YY double M stands for month. For January MM is 01, for February it is 02 and December is 12. YY is the last two digits of the year. For example, for the year 2027 YY is going to be 27, for 2025 it is 25.
Month | MM |
January | 01 |
February | 02 |
March | 03 |
April | 04 |
May | 05 |
June | 06 |
July | 07 |
August | 08 |
September | 09 |
October | 10 |
November | 11 |
December | 12 |
How to find MM and YY on your debit card?

These numbers are often printed on the front of your debit card or on the back. It is determined by card design. Old classic cards had embossed card number and expiration date on the front of the card.
New fancy cards can have only a logo printed on the front of the debit card. All the details can be hidden on the back of the card.