When you fill some form in application for a credit card, bank account, loan etc. you need to provide an address. It can be a mailing address or a billing address. Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 of the address must be filled out. When you fill out a college application, for example, you will find Address Line 1 among other fields. What do you think it should be?

Address Line 1 is always required, unlike Address Line 2, which is optional. Without it, you will be unable to complete your application. You must enter a street address in address line 1, which should include the street name and house number.
Example 1 Address in New York

Let’s look at a Google Maps example of such an address. Assume you live at 117 Malba Dr in New York City in the USA. You must type “117 Malba Dr.” in the field address line 1. Your address should fit in Address Line 1 if it only has a street name and a house number. Lines 2, 3, and 4 of the address can safely be left blank.
ZIP code is very important when you apply for a credit card. Later when you receive your credit card you may ask yourself what is my credit card ZIP code?
Example 2 Address in California

In the second Google Maps example, we’ll look at a location in California. Assume your company’s address is “4632 Raley Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95838.” As a result, you must type “4632 Raley Blvd” in line 1 of the street address. Lines 2 and 3 of the address should be left blank.

Example 3. Address with suite that should go to address line 2

Suppose you have a business address in Sacramento, California, which is “405 K St #115, Sacramento, CA 95814”. The first line of the address should read “405 K St.” Then address line 2 should be #115. It helps to deliver mail to the business.

You can write the city, state, and ZIP code in address line 3 if there isn’t a dedicated field for them. Then country name and postal code can be entered in line 4.
To summarize, address line 1 is a street address that should include the house number as well as the name of the street. The optional apartment or suite number on address line 2 helps to clearly identify the mail recipient.
You can check the following video for more details.