When you apply for a credit card you maybe curious when is it going to arrive to your doorstep? Then answer to this question depends on few details.
If you are approved for the credit card on the spot or like banks often advertise “in 30 seconds”, then it can take up to 2 weeks. However, this is a worst case scenario. Usually delivery takes only 1 week.
However, there are conditions that can make your credit card arrive sooner or later. Premium and luxury cards are often sent in express mail. For example, I received my American Express Platinum in less than a week.
Secured credit cards in their turn may require you to make the security deposit first. And only then bank mail your card. So how long it take for a credit card to arrive depends on you. If you act fast, then credit card arrives soon. Read more about secured credit cards in my post.
If you are not approved immediately and bank takes some time to review your application it can take more time. For example, if bank request your checking account statement or other documents, the process can easily stretch over time for many weeks.
You can also order an express delivery by your self. This, however, will cost you are few bucks in delivery fee.